Posted by: desirehigher | April 9, 2011

Someone To Turn To

I’m watching a show about a young hero who is really second fiddle to the person he serves, as that young man is destined to become the leader of his people.  They are in a dire situation with seemingly insumountable odds, and all seems lost.  Many people have been wounded or killed, the enemy seems all powerful.  And there seems to be no answer.  Our young hero suffers a couple of setbacks (isn’t that what happens to us in life all the time?) but knows he has to keep trying until he can find an answer.  He remembers someone he can turn to who knows more than he does, who may in fact have all the answers.  He rushes to him to talk with him.  He gets the information he needs so that he can save the day!

Aren’t there times in our lives that are so overwhelming, so complicated, or so beyond our abilities that we long to turn to someone who knows the answer, can help us, and make everything better?  Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to turn to?  Someone who can take care of the situation?  Someone who will help us through the situation?

There is someone like that.  In fact, this someone is even better than that.  We have someone we can turn to who knows the answer, in fact, knows all the answers.  He not only can, but also will help us.  He can make everything better.  He can take care of every situation.  He is never overwhelmed. 

Who is this wondrous person?  Perhaps you have guessed, or already know.  Of course, it is God, our Father in Heaven, Creator of all things, He who knows everything and can do all things!

We can turn to Him at any time.  He has all the answers.  When we humble ourselves and turn to Him, we can get the knowledge and wisdom we need to get through the situation we are facing.  I have experienced this Desire Higher way many times in my own life.

In the story I referenced at the beginning of this post, our young hero got the knowledge he needed.  But that alone did not defeat the enemy nor solve the situation that had developed.  He still had to act.  He still had to do something.  He couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.  He had to struggle, keep trying, and work hard before he was successful.  Likewise, when we receive wisdom and knowledge from God, we have to do something with it.  There will be times when we need to wait for Him to grant certain blessings.  But there are usually things we can and need to do to receive the help and relief that we seek from Heavenly Father.

To put it in a nutshell, stay close to your Father in Heaven (you don’t have to wait until a dire situation before you go to Him), trust in His love for you and His willingness and ability to help you, and do that which will help you be close to Him, and that which He asks you to do to get through the situation.

You have someone to turn to!


  1. So true. Everyone needs to know that they are loved, but alot of us dont acknowledge that we are indeed loved so true and by the creator of love at that. I always knew this, but it was just like in the back of my head. Like I was content with it..but then I finally said t myself, why am I even stressing and worrying? Why do I feel alone when i’m not? I didnt want to be content with just having god love me, I wanted to show that I loved him too.

    • Wow, that is great! What do you do to show your love for God?

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