Posted by: desirehigher | April 2, 2011

Ask and Act

This term popped into my mind the other day.  Over the last couple of months or so, I have become convinced that Heavenly Father is much closer to us than we usually think, and that He stands ready to help us if we let Him…if we ask. 

I have had a few situations over the last few months where I really didn’t know what to do, which choice to make, were there even any choices, and why did things seem so out of my control?  When I feel that way about something, I have learned to turn to the Lord and ask for His help and guidance.  I have even “lain my burden at His feet” when things seemed so overwhelming, complicated, and impossible.

What happens?  He takes up my “cross”, my burden, and fixes it.  He makes it better than I could ever have imagined!

And so, I know I can turn to God, to Heavenly Father, whenever I want.  And I trust Him, that He will give me an answer.  He will take care of it when the time is right, and in His own way.  As I ask for His help, believing that He will give it to me, I discover that He does indeed answer me and help me with the questions I have.  This increases my faith and I turn to Him more often.

Ask.  And act.  I try to do the things He tells me to do.  I follow the impressions that come to my mind.  And things work out. 

Ask and act.  I find I don’t have to worry, even when things seem insurmountable.  He will help me.

Ask and act.  How many times do we read in the scriptures to “Ask and it shall be given”? 

Ask and act.  He really does keep His word. 

Ask and act.  We really do have someone we can turn to, someone we can trust, someone who has ALL the answers!

Don’t take my word for it….Ask…and act!

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