Posted by: desirehigher | May 17, 2011

Today’s New Man

Men today are far different from their counterparts in the history of the world.  True, there are those who have not evolved, nor matured past adolescence.  But a vast majority have come a long way.

Today’s man tends to be more involved with the housework, raising and tending the kids, and being the spiritual leader of his home.  Is it that he is more enlightened?  Perhaps.  It could also be that his wife is more involved with earning a living too so doesn’t have the time to devote to her family and home that she used to.  So he pitches in (sometimes on his own – I know some great fathers and husbands – and sometimes because she is nagging him into it).  Be that as it may, the end result is the same.

As he does more around the house and with his family, he finds satisfaction in leading his little flock along, doing such mundane chores as dishes, cooking, and even changing diapers!

Take my beloved.  He points out with flourish that HE changed our daughter’s first diaper (and it was a messy one!) at the hospital soon after she was born.

Compare that to the story he tells of his grandfather who, sitting down after work in his easy chair called to his wife that the baby needed to be changed, even though she was fixing dinner, folding laundry, and taking care of another child!  How’s that for sensitive?

Yes, today’s man is a new being.  And I thank Heavenly Father for mine!  🙂

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