Posted by: desirehigher | May 21, 2011

Answer to Prayer

I just discovered that my son, who is in the military in Afghanistan, is safe after the attack of a suicide bomber a few hours ago, at the hospital not far from where he works.

We got the phone call this morning.  Thankfully it started with “your son is safe!’

You can imagine my relief at realizing what happened and that it wasn’t worse than it was.  Naturally our thoughts and prayers turned immediately to thanking Heavenly Father for His goodness and protection in watching over our son.  We have been praying several times daily for his safety.  So has his family.  So it’s not surprising to us that he is safe.  It’s an answer to all our prayers.

Do I have a testimony of prayer?  Do I know that it works?

Oh yes!

This is a step along the Desire Higher path that I discovered long ago, and continue to work on, and with.  How?

The first step is to think of God not as non-existent just because He doesn’t do things the way you want or think He should, or as some great nothingness because you feel you cannot comprehend His power and glory, or as the great Judge who is critical of everything you do, or as one or more people who help or hinder mankind haphazardly based on His/Their mood(s) at the moment regardless of the merit or lack thereof of those They are blessing or cursing, or even as a Creator who created what is and then left us to ourselves to struggle along with little or no direction nor sense of what life is all about.

Instead, think of God as a kind and loving Father, your Father in Heaven, who created all things for the benefit of His children, who is deeply interested and engaged in all you do and are, and who stands ready to help and bless you if you will but ask Him for His guidance.  Think of Him not as interfering, but as a wise and all-knowing Personage who knows what His children need and has given us the resources we need to be able to do much good in this life, to help others, and to gain comfort, knowledge, protection, and help so we can learn and grow, developing our gifts and talents and abilities.

Second, think about God, your Father in Heaven, as the perfect Father.  He wants to stay close to you.  He desires your growth and happiness.  That doesn’t mean you will experience no problems or trials.  It means that He stands close by to help you as needed, just as a parent stands close by as his child is learning and growing.  As a parent you do not carry your child around forever so that he never gets hurt or goes where he shouldn’t or does just what you want him to.  You allow him, and even take great joy in watching and helping him to learn new things and to love and take care of him!  Your Father in Heaven is the same.  He has great joy, and in fact it is His glory, when you learn new things and progress as you are able!

Third, just as you would want your child to stay close to you and talk with you, sharing his insights and learnings with you and being able to share your greater knowledge and experiences with him, so your Father in Heaven feels towards you.  He is close by.  All you have to do is talk to Him, any time you want!  He is waiting for you to share your thoughts and dreams and even your fears and weaknesses with Him.  He stands ready to console, comfort, strengthen, help, and bless you.  And all you have to do is ask!

Talk to Him as you would your best friend.  Explain what’s going on in your life.  Share what struggles and trials you are experiencing.  Tell Him about your hopes and fears.  And listen for His answers.  He will speak to your mind and heart and tell you all things that you should do.  He will guide and direct your path.

Fourth, trust Him.  Trust that He is there, that He listens to and is mindful of you, that He loves you more than any love you have ever known, and that He wants to guide, bless, comfort, and strengthen you.  If you are having trouble trusting Him, then tell Him of your desire to do so, and let that desire work within you.  He will take that desire to believe, to trust, and He will bless and guide you for it.

Lastly, act.  Act on the inspiration He gives you.  When you consider something and you feel in your heart that it is right, do it.  Ask for His help and then act on the thoughts that come into your mind.  Consider the words you read in the scriptures and other good books, and the ideas you gain from others as you discuss your ideas with them, and you will know what to do.  You will be able to move forward in your life, and you will be able to bless many others.  And you will see your prayers being answered too.

And don’t forget to go back and give thanks to your Father in Heaven for His greatness and goodness, His comfort and mercy, His blessings and love.  Show him your love by obeying His word and doing His will.  And I promise you great joy and happiness in life, despite all that happens around you!

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