Posted by: desirehigher | March 18, 2010

Saving our Relationships

Last time I wrote about building our relationships.  This time I’d like to address saving our relationships. 

The fact is that we do not always agree, or always get along, with others.  I think the natural reaction to that is that we don’t like them as much when that happens.  Maybe we get defensive, or offensive, or cut off our relationship with them (emotionally if nothing else).  Do any of those reactions help the situation?  I don’t think so.  Do we do it without thinking? Oftentimes, probably so.  It’s easy to react in a less than positive way when someone disagrees with us.  Especially if we feel strongly about our stance.

Is there a better way?

Yes there is.  When we Desire Higher, we look past the difference and concentrate on the value of the person beneath those feelings.  They are a valuable being, also a child of the Highest, a child of God, just like you are!  Perhaps it is really difficult to get past what they said or did.  It may have offended you.  Maybe if would have offended anyone.  How can you get past that?

You know, offense is not always intended.  Sometimes we take things differently than they were intended.  We may read something into the situation that is not even there.  And even if it is there, do we have to react in the way that comes so naturally?

Brigham Young put it very well when he said, “He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.” 

Meaning, YOU get to decide how to react.  Plain and simple.  The other person cannot make you think or feel anything.  It is totally up to you.  So do you throw in the towel when things are uncomfortable?  Do you look around taking offense everywhere you can?  You can choose not to!  You can decide the relationship is more important than that thing that just happened (afterall, you make mistakes and errors in judgement too) and work to let it go.  Pray for help to move past it and preserve the relationship.  As I mentioned last time, relationships are where we usually receive our greatest joys and happiness.  Not constantly, but continually if we don’t cut ourselves off.  Many relationships that seems irreparable, given some time and tender loving care, have become stronger than anyone could ever have imagined!

What can you do to heal a broken relationship or keep one from becoming broken in the first place?

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